Thursday, March 22, 2012

Household tax defense

Lets face it most people are "winging it" in regards to paying the household tax and lets face it nobody wants to pay. In days to come many of the good souls of Ireland will be putting themselves on the wrong side of the law, yes it is a totally scumbag unjust tax. While we are waiting for "Zombie Robin Hood" to return to save us from an unjust King, just what exactly is your defense going to be when you don't pay. Lets guess you don't have one and this just won't wash with the courts as I don't agree with the charge is about as good a defense as "I don't agree with speed limits".

I think we have heard the rumor or the viral letter proporting to be from a respected law firm stating that if you dont consent to the charge them you dont have to pay. Well its FAKE and the advice is baseless, so there you are standing in court harping on about the fact that you heard something about something. The judge will have heard the same excuses many times before you and will be sick to the teeth of them, thus eroding any chance of sympathy.

Now lets just say the 1,600,000 persons who haven't registered were ALL to go online at 13:00 on the last day to register, and lets just say the site crashed from all the traffic.

At the very least this would offer a viable defense in a court of law stating that a viable and reasonable attempt to register for the charge was attempted but was unable to be executed. This in the least would be better than no defense.

This is purely a speculative opinion on what may happen and should not be taken as legal advice or incitement to attempt to recreate the scenario described here.

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